Food and Mold Allergies

Dogs can have food and mold allergies in the same way people do. Most allergies in dogs cause skin reactions, such as hot spots. Identifying the substances that your dog is allergic to may help to control symptoms.

  1. Identification

    • An allergy to food and mold may result in an adverse reaction to the substance. Dogs react to allergens differently than people. People may have nasal symptoms such as a runny nose or sneezing when introduced to an allergen. A dog's reaction to allergens most commonly results in a skin condition.

    Inhalant Allergies

    • Mold is an inhalant and can cause an allergic reaction in dogs who are sensitive to it. Other inhalants that may cause allergies are dust mites and pollen. Some of the symptoms associated with inhalant allergies are biting, scratching, constant licking and chewing of the feet. In some cases, a dog can develop skin sores from constant licking.

    Food Allergies

    • Like inhalant allergies, food allergies most commonly affect a dog's skin. Some other symptoms of food allergies are shaking the head, anal itching, rubbing the face on the carpet, sneezing, flatulence, diarrhea, wheezing, and inflammation of the ear. Food allergies can develop over time but are not difficult to treat once identified.


    • Treatment of allergies may include medicated shampoos, allergy shots, antihistamine medications and corticosteroids. Eliminating the substances that your dog is allergic to will also help control allergy symptoms.


    • If your dog has symptoms of food or mold allergies, consult your veterinarian. There are allergy tests that will identify the source of the allergy. Correct diagnosis and treatment is key to helping your pet stay happy and healthy.