Holistic Approach to Yeast & Bacterial Infections

Bacteria and yeast live on all pets, but some can cause problems such as ear and skin infections. Antibiotics and antifungal medications are available from your veterinarian, but holistic solutions are effective as well.

  1. Symptoms

    • Symptoms of yeast and bacterial infections include itchy, red, blackening or thickening skin. Itchy or offensive smelling ears may also be present.


    • Though yeast and bacteria often cause the symptoms seen on your dog, they are usually secondary to another illness that has weakened the immune system or allergies that cause your dog to chew on his skin.


    • Yeast and bacterial infections can be caused by insufficient diets, low in protein and high in grains. Remove grains from your dog's diet by purchasing high-quality food, consisting of quality protein sources.


    • Bathe your dog with natural oatmeal shampoo and finish with a natural oil rinse, such as lavender, myrrh, rosemary or eucalyptus.


    • To improve the immune system, add probiotics, vitamin C or vitamin B complex to your dog's diet. Consult a veterinarian for proper dosage for your dog.