Canine cancer is has increased in recent years, just has cancer in humans. The most common forms are lymphoma, osteosarcoma, melanoma, anal gland carcinoma, thyroid and fibrosarcoma.
The Immune System
A dog's immune system runs similarly to that of a human. It is designed to dissemble and destroy cancer cells. However, when there is a shortfall in the efficient functioning of the immune system, cancer will begin its ugly process
Negative Aspect of Processed Food
The surge of processed dog food is suspect in the cause for the rise in cancer. It coincidentally follows along the same route in humans with the same negative health end result. Therefore, your dog's diet and exercise needs should be altered to cater to their ultimate goal of healthiness.
Positive Aspects of Silicea
Veterinarian Dr. Carol Osborne is a promoter of the use of homeopathic medicines to treat pets. She recommends using silicea as an aid in treating cancer with its natural purification benefits. It is an aid in rinsing the toxin cells and ridding the body of mucous, infection and congestion. It renews dying tissue.
How to Administer Silicea
Silicea can be administered in the form of a capsule. One daily pellet every two days for a four week period is sufficient. Silica can also rid their bodies of foreign material. Because of this, it should not be used on dogs with tubing or prosthesis.
Foods That Contain Silicea
In addition, there are natural foods that contain silicea that can be fed to your dog. This includes beets, whole grains, alfalfa sprouts and legumes.