Panniculitis is a disease that occurs in dogs when the fat tissue under the skin becomes inflamed. Nodules and lesions result from the condition. Canine panniculitis is very treatable under the care of a veterinarian.
Skin lesions on the neck or trunk, nodules on skin, dishcharge from lesions or nodules, scarring from ruptured nodules, fever, anorexia and lethargy are all symptoms of panniculitis.
Panniculitis is caused by genetics, reactions to injected medications, blunt trama, chronic pressure, and bacterial or fungal infections.
Your veterinarian will perform a biospy of the fat tissue beneath the skin to diagnose canine panniculitis
Treatment for panniculitis includes surgical removal of lesions or steroid therapy. Large doses of vitamin E have also been used to treat panniculitis.
Your dog can recover fully from canine panniculitis as long as the cause of the condition is treated. Some dogs experience recurrances of the condition, but these are also treatable.