How to Get Rid of Sarcoptic Mites (Sarcoptic Mange)

Sarcoptic mites are also known as canine scabies, pet manage, canine manage, and a wide variety of other terms that is known in the veterinary world as Sarcoptic Manage. Dogs and other canine breeds are most susceptible; however, all pets including cats can get this type of skin parasites. Fortunately, with a proper mange treatment and some household cleaning, you can get rid of it from your household and pets.


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      Purchase an over the counter sarcoptic mange treatment at Tractor Supply stores or online at Happy Jack Inc. ( Many other online venders sell treatments for sarcoptic mites. These skin parasites, Sarcoptic mites are killed with sprays, dips, and ointments with benzyl benzoate as the active ingredient. It's recommended that you first consult your veterinarian before using any canine scabies treatments and also that you read the directions thoroughly before administering any pet mange medicines.

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      Treat ALL pets in your household for sarcoptic mange and at the same time. Even though sarcoptic mites thrive mostly on dogs, they will also if need be, on cats and other household pets. If you only treat one animal for canine scabies, the skin parasites will just move on to another host in your household.

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      Wash all pet clothing, collars, and bedding in hot bleach water if you are able to do so. Clean anywhere that your pet lays or sleeps to kill any lingering sarcoptic mites. Canine scabies mange treatment will be speeded up if you do a through cleaning of your house. Vacuum all carpeting and any other flooring to get rid of pet mange in your home. You should clean even after all pet mange treatment medications are complete. Clean your home thoroughly for a month after your pet shows no signs of sarcoptic mange.

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      Apply aloe and vitamin E to your pet's affected areas after mange treatment for skin parasites is complete. Your pet(s) have probably damaged his or her skin and have lost a lot of hair from the canine scabies. Aloe and vitamin E will speed up your pet's skin recovery.