How to Put Diapers on Older Dogs

As your dog ages, her body becomes weaker and less dependable. She cannot run as well, has trouble with the stairs, gains weight and sometimes will even lose control of her bladder and bowels. These natural symptoms of age can be painful to watch, but you can do certain things to ensure that the dog can live with you for a little while longer. You can put dog diapers on a dog that has lost bladder or bowel control. Putting a diaper on your dog is easy to do.


  1. Dog Diapers

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      Get your dog into a standing position and position yourself behind him. He might not enjoy the application of the diaper, so you might want to have some treats or a chew toy available to keep him from fidgeting or escaping.

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      Slip your dog's tail through the tail-hole in the diaper and slide the diaper forward until it is snug against her rump. Check that her tail fur is not caught in the diaper, and that the hole doesn't constrict the base of her tail too tightly.

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      Align the diaper so the absorbent pads are on the underside of the dog, then extend the upper and lower sections of the diaper forward over the lower half of the dog's belly and back.

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      Wrap the connecting flaps around the dog to connect the bottom of the diaper to the top. When you have done so, check to make sure the dog's excretory orifices are adequately covered. Also, give the diaper a gentle tug to make sure it is not on too tight. A comfortable fit is indicated if it pulls away from the dog a little bit.