The Meaning of a Sick Dog with Watery Eyes

Dogs get watery eyes from being sick or because of an inherited trait common to the breed. Some watery eye problems are more serious than others. A veterinarian can treat most cases.

  1. Conjunctivitis

    • Conjunctivitis is the most common reason for watery eyes. This condition requires keeping the eye clean and giving medication prescribed by a veterinarian. It usually takes several days for this condition to clear up.


    • Blepharitis is an infection of the eyelid and can include discharge from the eye. Allergies, fleabites, a cat clawing the eye and mange cause blepharitis. Chronic conditions are usually because of endocrine system disorders. Warm compresses can be used to clean the eye. A veterinarian can prescribe antibiotics that will be given for about three weeks.


    • Entropion is when the eyelashes turn inward. The dog's eyes can be cleaned with a cotton pad. In dogs with long hair, the hair should be knotted up to be kept out of the eyes. The only way to cure entropion is to have the abnormal lashes surgically removed.


    • Distemper and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, caused by ticks, are two diseases that cause the eyes to water.


    • Worms, flies and other parasites can live in the eye and eyelid. The dog should be taken to a veterinarian for treatment.