Doggy Depression

Much like humans, dogs can suffer depression. In order to take the necessary steps to properly treat this condition, it is important for pet owners to understand this serious illness.

  1. Occurrence

    • Canine depression can affect any dog, with no specific breeds or age groups being affected more often than others.


    • The most common causes of depression in dogs include: environmental changes, such as moving, grieving the loss of an owner or another animal, climate and chemical imbalance.


    • The symptoms of depression in dogs are fairly unique and typically include: changes in eating habits, lack of energy, weight loss, anxiety, restlessness, heavy shedding and aggression.


    • Dogs displaying any of the symptoms of depression should be examined by a veterinarian immediately. Tests used to diagnose depression may include analysis of blood and x-rays.


    • Canine depression is a serious condition that should not be taken lightly. Without proper treatment, dogs with depression can experience life-threatening complications, such as dehydration and extreme weight loss.