Herbs for Canine Liver Disorder

Between regular veterinary visits and the administration of various prescribed medications, managing canine liver disorder can be an arduous task. Gaining an understanding of additional options may alleviate some of the hardship that comes with managing canine liver disorder. Employing herbs for canine liver disorder can provide the additional aid you need for the comfort and well-being of your canine.

  1. Burdock

    • Burdock is a thistle plant widespread throughout the United States. When burdock is introduced into a canine's diet, it acts as a blood purifier and encourages the elimination of toxins from the canine's liver. When burdock is implemented for long-term therapy, it promotes healthy liver function by maintaining clean and healthy blood cells.

    Chanca Piedra

    • Chanca piedra, also known as Phyllanthus urinaria, is a native plant of the Amazon rainforest. Chanca piedra has antiviral effects and supplies a protective effect on a canine's liver cells by lowering cholesterol levels and increasing toxic acid secretion.


    • Kalmegh is also used as a blood purifier. Kalmegh stimulates bile secretion in canines, promoting healthy liver function.

    Milk Thistle

    • Milk thistle aids the liver in eliminating the body of wastes and toxins. When high toxin levels are present in the canine's system, milk thistle assists the liver in eliminating the toxins more efficiently.