Canine Neck Problems

Canine neck problems occur for a variety of reasons. Whatever the reason, they affect your dog in a big way and require immediate and careful veterinary treatment.

  1. Symptoms

    • Sensitivity and/or pain of the neck, changes in posture, crying/whining/whimpering, reluctance to turn the head/neck, fever, lethargy or loss of appetite are some of the symptoms of neck problems in dogs.


    • Neck problems may be the result of a ruptured/rupturing disk in the spine, poorly-fitting collar, muscle disease, injury, trauma or even cancer.


    • Your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical examination and take a medical history of your dog. Additional tests may include blood count, x-rays, spinal-fluid analysis, CT scan or MRI, and muscle biopsies.


    • Treatment may include oral (and occasionally topical) anti-inflammatory, cortosteroid, muscle relaxant and antibiotic medications. Surgery is also a common treatment option for canine neck problems.

    After Care

    • After immediate treatment, keep your dog quiet and comfortable, minimizing activity and movement. Administer all medications as directed in both the short and long term. Monitor your dog's condition and report any changes to your veterinarian immediately.