Dry & Cracked Dog Feet

Dry and cracked paws can cause your dog discomfort and may be a symptom of a more serious condition. Ruling out more common causes for this condition may help save a trip to the vet.

  1. Identification

    • Limping, whining or excessive licking can indicate that your dog has cracked or uncomfortably dry paws. Check the paw pads to make certain that there are no small cracks or nicks causing the discomfort.


    • There may be different reasons for cracked or dry canine paws. If you notice your dog chewing his paws, there is a possibility that he has been exposed to a chemical that is contributing to the irritation. Some rug cleaning products or other cleaning agents your dog may come into contact with can cause excessive dryness and cracked paws.


    • Your dog may be having an allergic reaction to something he has ingested or inhaled. Cracked or dry paws can also indicate a yeast infection localized on the paw pad or the possibility of a zinc deficiency. A trip to the vet may be needed if the dry and cracked paws are accompanied by unusual listlessness or loss of appetite.


    • Ice and snow can also cause dry or painfully cracked paws. Dog boots for breeds of all sizes are available to protect your dog 's paws from potentially harmful exposure during winter months.


    • To help soothe dry and cracked paws, apply a solution of 50 percent propylene glycol for several days or try a lotion specifically designed for dryness, such as Bag Balm, a moisturizing treatment available in many pet stores. Vaseline or vitamin E applied daily can also provide relief. Regular checkups, close attention to the presence of allergens in the home and taking precautions during the winter months are steps you can take to ensure that your dog has healthy paws.