Treatments for Roundworms in Puppies

Roundworms are parasites that generally grow from 3 to 5 cm and live in the intestinal tracts of dogs, humans and other animals. Puppies can become infected with roundworms if their mother is a host for this potentially dangerous parasite. It is important to treat your puppy if she has become infested with roundworms.

  1. Deworming Treatment

    • The most effective treatment for roundworms in puppies is a tablet or chew that contains the active ingredient fenbendazole. Fenbendazole works by temporarily numbing the worms so they simply slide out of your dog's intestines and out her rectum when she has a bowel movement. The medication is given to your puppy every two to four weeks and will kill the adult worms, but is not effective against the larvae that are also found in the puppy's intestinal tract. It is also important to treat pregnant dogs infected with roundworms so they do not pass this parasite to their puppies.

    Removal of Feces

    • Quickly remove any feces that contain the worms or its larvae. It will be evident if the feces is infested with the roundworms because these worms, which can grow in size from 3 to 5 cm, can be seen by the naked eye. Remove the feces with a scoop or gloved hands and dispose of it as quickly as possible. If the feces is found in the home, clean the area of contamination with 20 percent bleach solution. Never allow your puppy to ingest his or her own feces because this will cause a reinfestation of the roundworms.

    Natural Remedy

    • There are also natural remedies to eradicate roundworms from your puppy. Mixing garlic in with your puppy's food is one potential way to rid her of roundworms. Start by giving your puppy a small amount, less than one clove, and gradually increase the amount given if your puppy can tolerate the garlic. You can also mix a few tsp. of roughage into your puppy's food, such as rolled oats, carrots, or turnips. These foods are believed to help encourage the expulsion of roundworms. Neither of these methods is proven effective, so consult your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns.