English bulldogs are stubborn by nature, which can make training a difficult endeavor. However, many bulldogs in the world are obedient and respectful of their owners, proving that the task is possible. Training stubborn English bulldogs is achievable with patience, hard work and an understanding of the nature of bulldogs.
Enter through doors ahead of your bulldog, always keep your bulldog next to you when walking and make your bulldog wait until you give it permission to eat, to establish your dominance. English bulldogs will try to become the leader of their house if the role is available, states the bulldog obedience training website Dog-Obedience-Training-Review.com. Therefore, you must first gain control of that role if you expect your stubborn bulldog to respect---and ultimately---obey you.
Say the same words and employ the same methods and techniques each time you train your English bulldog. Consistency is key when teaching your bulldog anything. For instance, if potty-training your bulldog, take it through the same door to the same spot each time and say the same thing, such as "go potty." If your bulldog is stubborn, training is hard enough. Don't add confusion into the mix by using different words or techniques.
Give your bulldog treats and praise each time it does what you ask. Rewarding your bulldog will teach it that good things come when it obeys.
Balance training with exercise, suggests Puppy-Training-At-Home.com. Be sure to exercise your little bully in order to help release some of the frustration or pent-up energy that can also lead to stubborn behavior. Take your English bulldog for daily walks, always keeping it next to you on the leash---not ahead.