Due to the nature of flea problems for dogs, the best solution may not be to attempt to eliminate fleas with commercial products after fleas strike, but to address the problem from the inside out before fleas find your dog.
The Problem
Fleas are found on dogs, in the home and outdoors. Due to their sheer numbers and rapid breeding, it's unlikely you'll be able to eliminate fleas from your home or keep your pet from coming into contact with them. Your best bet is to attack a main reason fleas are a problem for your dog̵2;your pet's health.
Inside the Dog
Increase your dog's resistance to fleas with proper nutrition. Fleas seek out weaker animals, which are often young, ill or poorly nourished. Strengthening a dog's immune system through proper nutrition is key to warding off fleas. Working with your vet, create a diet that will help strengthen your pet's immune system. A raw diet; processed foods that do not contain additives; chemical preservatives; byproducts or food colorings; supplements, such as essential fatty acids; foods, like garlic and brewer's yeast that make dogs less tasty to fleas and digestive enzymes can all help your pet naturally combat fleas.
Outside the Dog
Daily flea combing will help remove fleas already attacking your pet, but you'll want to keep fleas off in the first place. Commercial products that repel fleas may help treat the outside problem of the inside-out solution, but may also weaken your dog's immune system, sending you back to square one. Look for natural cleaning products, which not only repel fleas, but help soothe and treat affected skin areas.
The Home
Clean frequently. Obviously, the more often you clean your home, the more fleas you'll eliminate. Clean both wood and carpeted floors, using natural products that won't affect your dog if ingested. Wash (and dry) your pet's bedding at least once per week, again with a natural cleaning product. Flea powders can help, but again, may be ingested by your pet (especially during self-grooming), so use natural treatments.
Fleas don't like light, so keep yards free of potential hiding places. Keeping your yard mowed and raked removes breeding places for fleas. Natural lawn treatments aimed at killing fleas will also help (make sure to re-apply after a rain). Fleas do not like sunlight, so pay particular attention to shady areas.
Bottom Line
A strategy of fighting fleas from the inside out is your best bet to reduce the agony of fleas for your dog.