Is Frontline Flea Treatment Dangerous to Children?

Your cat has fleas. Your veterinarian has prescribed Frontline Plus and instructed you to read and follow the label directions. You're concerned--your toddler and your cat are best friends. Can the Frontline hurt your child?

  1. Active Ingredients

    • Frontline Plus has two active ingredients: Fipronil, an insecticide that kills adult fleas, and (S)-methoprene, an insect growth regulator (IGR) that prevents flea eggs from hatching.


    • IGRs seem to be safe for animals and people, only affecting the fleas. Fipronil is not as benign. The Environmental Protection Agency has labeled it a "possible human carcinogen." It can cause local irritation to skin and eyes, and is dangerous if swallowed.

    First Aid

    • If the product gets on your child's skin, immediately wash thoroughly with soap and water. If it's in his eyes, flush with lots of water. If your child swallows Frontline, have her drink water and call your doctor or poison control immediately.


    • Frontline Plus is only dangerous while it's wet. Give it time to dry before allowing your child any contact with your pet. That may mean treating the animal after your child's bedtime, or confining the pet until the product dries. Always store and dispose of Frontline out of your child's reach.

    Bottom Line

    • Frontline has been demonstrated to be safe to humans and pets when dry. Always read and follow label directions.