Ivermectin is an insecticide used alone or in combination with other drugs like pyrantel pamoate to kill juvenile heartworms, called microfillia. Popular brand name medications with ivermectin include Heartguard and Eqvalan.
"The Pill Book Guide to Medication For Your Dog and Cat" explains that ivermectin affects a worm's nervous system, causing the juvenile heartworm to become paralysed and die.
Mar Vista Animal Medical Center states that ivermectin cannot kill adult heartworms. Dogs should be tested for adult heartworms before being given ivermectin heartworm prevention medication.
According to the American Working Collie Association, many dogs with collie breeding carry a gene mutation that cannot tolerate ivermectin. There is a test to determine whether an individual collie has this mutation.
Side Effects
"The Pill Book Guide to Medication For Your Dog and Cat" states that side effects in dogs are extremely rare, except for collies. Call the vet if the dog has loss of coordination, trembles uncontrollably and seems blind.
Ivermectin heartworm prevention is usually in chewable tablets given once a month, but there are tablets that can be given daily.