Are Diluted Black Walnut Hulls Safe for Dogs?

According to the Global Healing Center, black walnuts and their hulls are an excellent supplement when eaten by humans. Many pet owners wonder if they can give black walnuts, or a diluted version of black walnuts, to their dogs.

  1. Toxic

    • The black walnut is toxic to dogs; a dog who eats the seed hulls will experience diarrhea, vomiting and stomach upset. The black walnut also develops a mold that can cause seizures and tremors.


    • Black walnuts grow along the eastern seaboard and into the Midwest. They grow wild, so your dog could be poisoned eating the hulls.


    • Black walnut trees can grow to 60 or 80 feet tall; their leaves are 1 to 2 feet long with 13 to 23 tapered-pointed, toothed leaflets. Their nuts and hulls are encased in husks that are 2 to 4 inches in diameter.


    • Many people believe that, because a nut or particular food is safe for humans, it is safe for dogs. This is not the case; black walnuts can be eaten by humans but are toxic to dogs, horses and other animals.


    • Even when diluting a poisonous substance, you run a risk of making your dog very sick. Therefore you should never feed black walnut hulls, even in the diluted form, to your dog.