Natural Pet Remedies for Fever

If your pet has a fever, it means that its body's immune system is working hard to fight off an ailmen. If you prefer to stick to natural medicines, there are herbal options for treating your pet's fever. If your dog has no other worrisome symptoms, homeopathic remedies are often safer than prescription medicines. If natural treatments do not remedy the fever, it is important to contact your veterinarian.

  1. Belladonna

    • Atropa belladonna also goes by deadly nightshade for its potential toxicity. But, when used in veterinarian medicine, this relative of the tomato can be used to not only treat fever, but liver disease, eclampsia, canine distemper, boils, abscesses (particularly in birds), and heat stroke.


    • Aconitum napellus is also known by many other names, including aconite, wolfsbane, friar's cap and monkshood. When aconite is prepared as a homeopathic treatment, aconite can be effective against fever, arthritis, inflammation, skin diseases and neuralgias. Aconite 30c is a quick-acting medicine that is recommended as a treatment in the early stages of an illness.

    Grapefruit Seed Extract

    • Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is a popular natural treatment for canine flu and other bacterial and viral illnesses. The extract is a liquid derived from the seeds, pulp, and white membranes of grapefruit. While the scientific proof of its efficacy is questionable, proponents believe that grapefruit seed extract has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties.


    • A 2003 German study found that 92 percent of dogs in a control group benefited from an echinacea powder. The plant-based immune stimulant is a well-tolerated alternative treatment for canine upper respiratory tract infections.

    Non-Medicinal Treatments

    • Not all remedies come through medicines. You can lower your pet's fever with various water treatments that can bring down their temperature. Here are a few effective choices:

      • Use a cool wet washcloth to wash your pet's belly
      • Give your pet a cool bath, but not too enough. Make it warm enough that he doesn't shiver.
      • Wrap a cool towel around your pet
      • Encourage your pet to drink plenty of water

    Immune System Boosters

    • A suppressed immune system can result in various illnesses, including bacterial and viral infections. If your pet already has a fever due to an infection, the best way to ensure a quick healing process is to have a healthy immune system. This can be done by administering a healthy diet and immune-boosting supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids.