Previcox Safety

Previcox is a brand name for the prescription medication firocoxib, a veterinary nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug for dogs. Despite its effectiveness in relieving the pain of osteoarthritis and discomfort after surgery, Previcox poses a risk for side effects.

  1. Types of Side Effects

    • Common side effects of Previcox include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy and drowsiness.


    • The most common side effects of Previcox occur in as many as five percent of dogs treated with the medication, according to prescribing information published by Merial.

    Drug Interactions

    • When combined with anesthesia during surgical procedures, Previcox poses a risk for kidney dysfunction, reports the drug's prescribing information. Though the occurrence is rare, veterinarians often administer intravenous fluids to dogs when the combination is necessary, as this decreases the risk of kidney problems.


    • Serious risks associated with Previcox include gastrointestinal ulcers, the formation of holes in the intestines, shortages of red blood cells or blood platelets, kidney failure and pancreatic inflammation, warns the drug's prescribing information. Rarely, these complications result in death of dogs treated with the medications.


    • Because its effects upon fetal development are unknown, veterinarians rarely prescribe Previcox for pregnant or nursing dogs. Previcox is not safe for use in dogs under 12.5 pounds, cautions the prescribing information.