Metered Dose Inhalers for Dogs

If your dog is coughing and wheezing, your veterinarian might prescribe a meter dose inhaler for your pet. If you're not sure what it's supposed to do or why this will help your dog, learn more about the usage of meter dose inhalers.

  1. Function

    • Meter dose inhalers (MDIs) are used for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, including, but not limited to, bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis and tracheitis.


    • The medications available in MDI form are glucocorticoids (fluticasone, beclomethasone, budesonide, and triamcinolone), beta2 agonists (allbuterol, salmeterol), cromolyn sodium, ipratropium bromide and nedocromil.


    • The administration requires a special canister and mask fitted to the dog. When using the MDI, you spray the dosage into the canister, then put the mask on the dog for five to 10 seconds.


    • Meter dose inhalers target the respiratory tract directly, thus getting medication fast to the area that needs it most. Because it's inhaled, there's less side effects as there are taking oral medications because the medication doesn't have to travel through the stomach and be absorbed into the bloodstream and eventually reach the lungs.


    • Always follow your veterinarian's instructions for using the MDI on your dog.