Newborn Puppies & Tapeworms

Tapeworms are parasitic flatworms that are extremely common in dogs. Dogs usually become infested with tapeworms by ingesting a flea, the intermediate host. Newborn puppies can easily become infected if they have fleas.

  1. Symptoms

    • Symptoms of tapeworm in newborn puppies include loss of appetite, lethargy and possibly vomiting. You may also notice egg packets being expelled from the puppy's rectum. These look like whitish gray grains of rice that may be moving or still.

    Side Effects

    • Newborn puppies with tapeworms do not receive the nutrition they need to grow and develop; therefore, heavy infestations can cause death if not treated. High worm burdens can also cause vomiting and diarrhea, which can result in dehydration or death.


    • Tapeworm infections in newborn puppies are treated in the same manner as adults. Give your puppy an adulticide which breaks down the protein layer of the worm and prevents its digestion.


    • Newborn puppies that are nursing from a mother dog infested with fleas, have a high probability of becoming infected with tapeworms. Treating newborn puppies and the mother for flea infestations will minimize the chances of the newborns becoming infected.


    • A veterinarian should evaluate puppies within a few days of birth for routine veterinary care and de-worming. If you suspect a tapeworm infection in a litter of newborn puppies, take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible for treatment.