Is it Safe to Use Advantage for Cats on Dogs?

If you have Advantage flea protection for cats on hand, you may be tempted to save money by using it on your dog. As long as you are careful to use the correct dosage, Advantage for cats can be safely and effectively administered to dogs.

  1. Ingredient

    • The active ingredient in Advantage, Imidacloprid, is the same in the separate formulas for cats and dogs -- the difference is the dosage.


    • Dosage varies according to your pet's weight. A cat who weighs under 9 lbs. receives .4ml -- the same dosage a dog under 10 lbs. receives, while a dog over 55 lbs. needs 10 times that.


    • Because cats are typically smaller than dogs, you may need to use more than one bottle of cat Advantage on your dog. For instance, the largest dosage for a cat is .8ml, which is too little for a dog over 11 lbs.


    • If you have a dog under 10 lbs., you may safely give him Advantage for small cats. For a larger dog, you'll need more than one dosage of cat Advantage to effectively treat him.


    • An overdose of Advantage can cause your dog to weaken or twitch. Take her to the veterinarian if you see evidence of an overdose.