How to Care for a Miniature Dachshund Puppy

Miniature dachshunds are smaller than the standard dachshunds by approximately 15 lbs. They come in various colors such as black, tan, and brownish-red. Their coats are smooth, wired, and long-haired. Their bodies are long and narrow and are prone to back problems and obesity. A healthy miniature dachshund can live as long as 16 years. Caring for a miniature dachshund puppy takes time and consistency.


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      Provide an accurate amount of space for the miniature dachshund puppy. Have a crate for the dachshund large enough for the puppy to move around in or use a fence to block the puppy off in a room. Put a small bed for the puppy to sleep in. Increase the size of the bed and crate as the puppy grows.

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      Train the puppy. Get on a routine and take your puppy outside at least six times a day. Using a crate will help you eliminate a large mess. Also use newspaper to help prevent urination from staining the cage or room floor. Separate the food dishes from the sleeping area.

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      Feed the miniature dachshund puppy small portions four times a day. Do not feed more than 1/2 cup of food in each portion. When the puppy is three months old increase the amount of food to 3/4 cup three times a day. When the puppy is six months old, increase the amount of food to 1 cup and give only twice a day. This will help prevent the miniature dachshund from becoming obese and eating too much. Miniature dachshunds are prone to obesity as puppies and adults.

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      Exercise your minature dachshund puppy daily. Exercise will help prevent the dachshund from becoming obese along with good diet habits. It is best to take your puppy out for a walk at least three times a day. Get the puppy used to wearing a collar as well. Be careful when playing with your puppy. Miniature dachshunds tend to get back problems due to their long spine and short rib cage, so avoid having them jump often.

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      Take your miniature dachshund puppy to the veterinarian. It is important to keep the puppy current on necessary shots for rabies, distemper, and parvo to prevent diseases. Also have your dachshund tested for worms. Parasites are common in puppies and will need to be taken to the veterinarian for advice on preventive measures.