Organic Heartworm Prevention

A mosquito infestation could cause your dog to contract heartworm, which untreated could lead to congestive heart failure and, ultimately, death. While veterinary pharmaceuticals are available to treat heartworm, the drugs have a harmful effect on a dog's liver. Natural canine healthcare experts say organic heartworm treatments are best for your dog's overall health.

  1. Organic vs. Traditional

    • Organic health veterinarian Dr. Jill Elliot says traditional heartworm medicines are good at killing mosquito infestations, but the chemicals in these medicines are pesticides and could cause your dog to have liver damage, hair loss and seizures. Pesticides are absorbed into a dog's bloodstream and have a detrimental effect on its immune system.

      Use organic remedies to build and maintain a healthy immune system so your dog won't be susceptible to a mosquito infestation. "Your dog's natural immunities are the best form of defense against invading parasites," says Dr. Elliot. Boost a dog's immune system through natural feeding, reducing the number of vaccination loads and providing supplements.

    Essential Oils

    • Essential oils and herbs are organic, safe, effective and non-toxic methods to combat the heartworm parasite. Essential oils are extracted from various plants. Lavender, lemongrass and peppermint oils are the most effective in repelling mosquitoes. Dr. Elliot says essential oils and herbs work with a dog's body rather than against it, which makes it more effective at fighting naturally occurring pests. Oils are absorbed into a dog's body through the coat and skin.

      Starting with a 50/50 ratio, combine the essential oil of your choice with an organic olive oil. Once your dog gets used to the oils, use more essential oil and less organic olive oil. With a few drops of the oil mixture in your hand, rub it all over your dog's coat. If you'd rather use a water mixture, mix 20 percent essential oil with 80 percent distilled or filtered water, and then lightly spray your dog's fur. Remember to keep the oils away from your dog's eyes.

    Diatomaceous Earth Powder

    • Another organic method to keep your dog heartworm-free is food-grade diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth consists of the fossils of single-cell marine plants called diatoms. The plants are ground into a powder, and then covered with tiny, extremely sharp daggers. When an insect or parasite like a mosquito touches the diatoms, the daggers pierce its skin, causing it to dry out and die. Elliot says unlike pesticides, insects can't build up a resistance to the diatoms, because they are a part of nature, just like the insects are. She says the powder is not harmful to your dog, and even provides a source for trace minerals for your dog. Just sprinkle a little on your dog's food.