How to Care for a Pregnant Dachshund

A dachshund̵7;s pregnancy typically lasts anywhere from 63 to 65 days, during which she will go through a lot of changes, just as a human mother does. It is at this time you need to decide if you are financially and emotionally equipped to help your dog through this delicate process. Caring for your pregnant dog is an important task to ensure that her puppies are born healthy so that they can grow up to become another family̵7;s best friend.


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      Take your dachshund to the veterinarian if you think she is pregnant. The first sign of pregnancy is enlarged nipples, which typically occurs around two weeks after conception. The vet will confirm the pregnancy by either touching your dog̵7;s belly and feeling her puppies or with a blood test.

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      Note the date you take your dog to the veterinarian. This will give you an approximate due date so you can prepare an area for her to give birth.

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      Begin feeding your dog more high-quality food around the sixth week of pregnancy. Many vets recommend feeding puppy food because it contains more vitamins and nutrients than adult food.

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      Feed your dog about 50 percent more food during her pregnancy than you normally would. This will ensure that the puppies are getting all the food they need.

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      Exercise your dog regularly during her pregnancy. Continue to take your dachshund for daily walks to avoid any weight problems that might occur.

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      Avoid having your dog vaccinated during this time. Speak to your vet about continuing heart worm and flea prevention measures.

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      Isolate your dachshund from other pets at around three weeks before her due date. This will ensure that no illnesses are passed to your pregnant dog and her puppies.

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      Watch for signs that your dog is about to give birth. Her temperature will drop from to below 100 degrees when the birthing process is about to begin.