Advantix Warnings

Advantix, also known as K-9 Advantix, is a topical solution for the treatment and prevention of fleas, ticks, biting flies, mosquitoes and lice on dogs. The product's active ingredients are imidacloprid and permethrin, two widely used insecticides. While effective in killing the pests that plague dogs, Advantix has been reported to cause harmful side effects after application, including death.

  1. Potential Dangers to Dogs

    • Advantix is applied by squeezing the solution directly on the dog's skin between the shoulder blades. The chemical is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream, and takes a month to pass through the entire system. Advantix contains permethrin, a powerful insectiside. The chemical is a neurotoxin, and exposure can cause numerous harmful side effects, including tremors, drooling, aggressive behavior, seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, change in body temperature and lethargy. Permethrin is also a carcinogen, and has been suspected of causing cancer. The product is not recommended for use on puppies under seven weeks old, or dogs who are pregnant or nursing, handicapped, aged or taking other medication.

    Potential Dangers to Humans

    • Advantix is harmful to humans if swallowed or rubbed in the eyes. If the product gets in your eyes, hold them open and rinse gently with water for 15 to 20 minutes. Contact a center for poison control right away. Be careful not to get the product into your clothing. If your clothing is exposed to Advantix, wash all exposed clothing thoroughly before wearing it again. Wash your hands with soap and water after using the product, especially before eating, drinking, chewing gum or participating in any activity that would require your hands to come into contact with your mouth. If Advantix is ingested, sip a glass of water if you are able to swallow. Immediately contact a center of poison control for further instructions.

    Potential Dangers to Other Animals

    • Advantix can be fatal to cats if ingested or absorbed through the skin. Do not use the product on cats, or on dogs that may be groomed by cats. The product is also highly toxic to fish, honey bees, aquatic insects, tadpoles, birds, crayfish and shrimp. Be careful not to contaminate the environment when disposing of any unused product or packaging.