Is Frontline Flea Medicine Safe?

Your dog has fleas and your veterinarian recommended Frontline Plus. He says it'll kill the fleas on Fido within 24 hours. Your question is: Is it safe?

  1. Features

    • Frontline Plus is a liquid flea treatment that you apply on the skin between your pet's shoulder blades once a month. There's canine Frontline (dosed by weight) and feline Frontline.


    • Frontline Plus is approved for puppies and kittens 8 weeks of age and older. It can be used on pregnant, nursing and breeding animals.


    • Frontline Plus has two chemicals: fipronil, to kill adult fleas quickly, and (S)-methoprene, an insect growth regulator that prevents flea eggs from hatching and other stages from developing.


    • Fipronil is classified by the Environmental Protection Agency as a possible carcinogen. Animals with sensitivities may get skin irritations (usually temporary). In humans, Frontline Plus can irritate the eyes and skin when it's still wet. If your pet is on other medications, is geriatric or has other health issues, check with your veterinarian to see if it's safe to use Frontline. And Frontline for dogs should never be used on cats, and vice-versa.

    Bottom Line

    • Frontline Plus provides effective flea control. Side effects are rare and usually minor and temporary. It's considered safe for pets when used according to label directions.