Signs of Round Worm in a Dog

Roundworms are the most common intestinal parasites in dogs and puppies. According to veterinarian Holly Nash, most puppies are born with roundworms. Adult dogs also can be infected with roundworms. The roundworms interfere the absorption of nutrients and can cause significant damage to the lining of the intestinal tract. Luckily, roundworm treatment is readily available and highly effective. If your dog or puppy displays any of the symptoms of roundworm infestation, visit your veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.

  1. Gastro-Intestinal Symptoms

    • Dogs with roundworm infestations often will develop chronic gastrointestinal disturbances. The most common intestinal issues caused by roundworms are diarrhea, vomiting, gas and constipation. In severe cases, the roundworms may cause an intestinal blockage. Occasionally, the dog will expel adult roundworms in vomit or feces.

    Physical Appearance Symptoms

    • Dogs with roundworm infestations will almost always begin to lose weight because of the lack of nutrients they are absorbing. An infected dog will have a dull coat. Often, the dog will develop a pot-bellied appearance in more severe infestations. In young dogs, roundworm infestations may impede or slow normal growth rates.

    Respiratory Symptoms

    • As the roundworm infestation progresses, dogs will often develop a chronic cough. In young puppies, senior dogs and dogs with compromised immune systems, the larvae of the roundworms may migrate to the lungs, leading to respiratory infections and pneumonia.