Ursodiol Information for Pets

Ursodiol is a human medication often prescribed for off-label usage in pets. Ursodiol is a synthetic version of ursodeoxycholic, a bile acid animals and humans naturally produce during digestive processes. The medication requires a prescription from your veterinarian.

  1. Uses

    • Ursodiol is used to treat several liver and gallbladder conditions, including chronic hepatitis, cholestatic liver disease and gallstones composed of cholesterol.


    • Ursodiol works by reducing cholesterol production in the liver and inhibits cholesterol absorption in the intestines, according to PetPlace.com.


    • Side effects of ursodiol include vomiting, depression, jaundice and diarrhea, according to AnimalShelter.org.


    • According to PetEducation.com, certain rodents and lagomorphs, such as guinea pigs and rabbits, shouldn't receive ursodiol due to the potential for fatal liver disease.


    • Any pet receiving the medication should have regular blood tests to measure liver function. Animals using ursodiol for gallstones might require periodic ultrasounds to determine the drug's effectiveness at dissolving stones.