How Soon Can You Re-Treat with Flea & Tick Shampoo?

Among the toughest parts of owning a dog or cat is keeping the pet free and clear of fleas. This difficulty stems from fleas' ability to swarm en masse, as well as their ability to thrive in both indoor and outdoor environments. While there are numerous products on the market designed to kill and prevent fleas, many people opt for flea shampoo. The question remains: How soon after using a flea shampoo can pet owners reapply that same shampoo to their pets?

  1. Reapplication Time Line

    • Most major flea shampoo retailers, such as Hartz, recommend waiting about one week to reapply shampoo, after having done so to one's cat or dog. This reapplication should mimic the original application, most notably covering the pet's body with shampoo and leaving it on for 10 minutes before rinsing. While weekly use is considered the maximum by which pet owners should reapply flea shampoo, most major flea shampoos bill themselves as lasting for up to 30 days.


    • Most major flea shampoo retailers advise waiting a week before reapplication of flea shampoo because most of the shampoos contain chemicals that can harm or cause irritation to a pet's coat if overused. Using baby shampoo is another way to treat fleas between flea shampoo dips. While this won't necessarily kill fleas, it will stick to them, making it difficult for them to move to a pet's head. Plus, baby shampoo is less likely to cause skin irritation than flea shampoo.

    Take Other Measures

    • While most flea shampoos are good at killing a majority of fleas on pets, these shampoos can do only so much for pets severely infested with fleas. On that note, trying monthly flea drops or a flea collar is likely to help supplement flea shampoo as a way of ridding a pet of fleas. Consistent cleaning of the home is also helpful in keeping fleas out of the house.