How to Mellow Your Wild Siberian Husky

If you have a Siberian Husky then you know that along with being one of the most loving breeds to own they are also one of the most active. Siberian Huskies are a medium-sized member of the working group, recognized by the AKC in 1930. Huskies are friendly, attentive and sociable. However they are independent with very high energy and can be hard to handle. Huskies are by nature runners and pullers, they were originally bred to pull sleds. If they aren't given the chance to do their "job" they can become hyperactive and destructive. Find a "job" for your husky to do or simulate one.


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      Siberian huskies are escape artists, so always make sure he is well contained.

      Walk, jog or run with your dog on a long leash. Have him pull you with you using resistance against his pull, try to do this for 5 to 10 minutes then try having him walk, jog or run beside you. Use a harness, as he is likely to slip out of a collar. This is also a great work out for you.

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      Mush with your dog. There's a new trend with husky owners that don't live in snow areas called urban mushing. You can purchase scooters and other made-for-concrete/dirt sleds. This is a really fun activity to do with your husky and a great work-out for you. (Use care with mushing your husky on hard concrete, it's better to let them pull and run on dirt). Find an urban musher activity near you by inputting the keywords urban, or dry land, mushers and your locale in your search engine.

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      Purchase an intelligent toy for your dog. There is a variety of games on the market that involved hiding food treats in and around the toy and your dog must find the treats by manipulating the toy in some fashion. If you just don't have time for exercise and you need your husky to calm down a bit, try a special treat that engages. Another toy that keeps your dog busy is the Kong. Fill it with a special treat that they normally don't get such as peanut butter. They have to work at trying to get the special treat out of the Kong. This can keep even the highest energy husky entertained for hours.