Stages of Acute Liver Failure in Dogs

The liver plays an important part in the healthy functioning of a dog. According to PetMD, when the liver has failed by 70% or more, the dog̵7;s hormonal balancing, its digestion and processing of nutrients and even its excretion processes will suffer.

  1. Background

    • .A number of inflammatory or non-inflammatory diseases such as canine hepatitis and copper-associated hepatopathy cause liver failure.

    First Signs

    • If you notice a decrease in food consumption, whether the dog evacuates by way of diarrhea, consistent vomiting or a significant weight loss, visit your vet..


    • When the symptoms are not attended to, the liver develops cirrhosis. This happens when vast amounts of scar tissue, due to necrosis (tissue death), can be found among regenerated liver cells.


    • During the visit, your vet will perform a full blood panel, a urine analysis and a tissue biopsy to confirm that the dog̵7;s liver has failed.


    • Rimadyl (carprofen), a pain killer given to dogs experiencing pain from arthritis, has proven to cause acute liver failure.

      An article in the Star Tribune, a newspaper based in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. recommends researching any medication a vet prescribes for side-effects and reactions so you can identify possible problems.