Lugol's Iodine for Dogs

Lugol̵7;s Iodine is used by veterinarians in diagnosing certain parasites found in canine fecal matter. Iodine is a necessary mineral that supports thyroid glands and hormones in dogs. It must be ingested, as it is not naturally produced by the body.

  1. What Is Lugol's Iodine?

    • Lugol's Iodine is a strong solution of iodine, chemically comprised of 5 percent iodine and 10 percent potassium iodide in water.

    Veterinary Applications

    • Lugol's Iodine is used to help diagnose parasites for common canine parasitic infections such as coccidia, giardia, toxoplasma and hookworms. Lugol's iodione is used as a stain in fecal samples.

    Iodine Requirements for Dogs

    • Dogs require 0.7 milligram of iodine per pound of food. Most dog foods already contain this amount, so additional supplements are not needed. An iodine deficiency will impact a dog's thyroid, so iodine is sometimes used to help treat thyroid ailments.

    Standard versus Lugol's Iodine

    • Lugol's iodine contains a much higher amount of iodine. Over-the-counter medicated shampoos for dogs (used for topical fungal or bacterial infections) that contain iodine typically contain solutions of 2 percent or less. Lugol's iodine contains 5 percent iodine. Lugol's iodine should not be ingested.

    Government Restrictions

    • In 2007, the DEA restricted access to Lugol's Iodine to doctors and veterinarians. Until 2007, it had been available over the counter as an antiseptic or preservative, or for medical use in humans and animals.