What Can I Build to Protect My Dogs From the Sun?

The Yorkshire terrier and the Cardigan Welsh corgi topped Iams.com’s list of dogs that would do best in an “average-sized yard” with usually warm/hot weather conditions. However, not all families want these breeds.

According to peteducation.com, collies and Shetland sheepdogs are prone to sunburn due to hypersensitivity to the sun. Sunburn on dogs can also be caused by shortly clipped hair, sparse hair or baldness. For these reasons, shelter and shade are very important to dogs, especially during the summer months.

  1. Building a Doghouse

    • “Every dog deserves a good, solid outdoor doghouse,” says uniqueoutdoordoghouses.com. Doghouses may be made from materials such as wood or plastic. Although wood may offer a more classic look, plastic may be easier to clean. Think of your needs when selecting the material for the doghouse.

      Doghouses may be built in any style you desire, but many websites offer the same advice–angular roof with a barn-shaped house.


    • The Humane Society of the United States warns “some breeds with very long or short coats cannot tolerate extreme outside temperatures even when provided with proper shelter.” In cases like these, talk to your veterinarian about the best possible course for your dog.


    • When building your dog an outside, away-from-the-sun getaway, the Humane Society of the United States offers a few pointers. Make sure your dog can stand up and turn around comfortably inside the doghouse. Make sure the roof is slanted at an angle that allows rain to run off rather than settle and cause leakage into the doghouse. Raise the shelter 2 inches off the ground with cinderblocks to avoid rotting the bottom. Place the doghouse under a tree during the summer months to provide additional shading for the shelter. If the doghouse is placed in direct sunlight, your dog will feel as if he is in an oven. Provide a tip-proof water bowl for your dog inside the shelter.

      Unchainyourdog.org also suggests adding a baby pool filled with water near the dog’s shelter from the sun in case the heat inside becomes too much for the dog.