How to Make Herbal Flea Repellent Collars

Fleas can be a nuisance to both you and your pets. They can cause skin irritation and incessant itching. Therefore, repelling fleas is essential to your health and that of your pets. A variety of flea repellent products are on the market. Traditional flea repellent collars contain a variety of potentially harmful chemicals. Pennyroyal, citronella, rosemary and wormwood are herbs that effectively repel fleas. If you or your pets are allergic to the chemicals in flea repellent collars or you simply prefer to avoid using chemicals to repel fleas and would prefer a more natural approach, follow a few simple steps to make your own herbal flea repellent collar.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • 1 yard of fabric
  • Sewing needle
  • Thread
  • Scissors
  • Velcro
  • Blender or food processor
  • 1 tbsp. dried pennyroyal
  • 1 tbsp. dried citronella
  • 1 tbsp. dried rosemary
  • 1 tbsp. dried wormwood


    • 1

      Measure your pet's neck for the collar. Cut a strip of fabric approximately three inches longer than what will fit comfortably around your pet's neck. Make the fabric about two-and-a-half times wider than you would like the finished product to be.

    • 2

      Fold the right sides of the fabric together lengthwise. Stitch a seam at one end of the fabric and down the length of the fabric to form a tube. Leave one end of the tube open.

    • 3

      Blend the pennyroyal, citronella, rosemary and wormwood in a blender or food processor until they form a powdery mixture.

    • 4

      Turn the tube of fabric right-side out. Stuff the herbs into the collar through the open end.

    • 5

      Fold the sides of the open end of the tube inside the tube. Stitch the end shut.

    • 6

      Stitch velcro on the ends of the collar. Fasten it around your pet's neck.