Canine Geriatric Disease

There are many diseases that can affect geriatric dogs. There are also many actions dog owners can take to make the life of their older dog easier and less painful. Pet owners should always consult with a veterinarian when confronted with age-related dog health problems.

  1. Arthritis, Bone and Joint Problems

    • According to the website, arthritis often causes pain for older dogs. Providing a softer bed and moist heat for up to 20 minutes at a time can help relieve the pain. Prescription or non-prescription painkillers are also helpful.

    Tooth Problems

    • Older dogs can develop problems with their teeth. Monitor the dog for bad breath, often a sign of tooth decay. In some cases, teeth may need to be pulled.

    Heart Problems

    • Cardiomyopathy, an enlarged heart, occurs in some older dogs. Symptoms include swelling of the extremities and a lack of energy. Consult a veterinarian for possible treatments.


    • Diabetes can occur due to diseases of the pancreas. The pancreatic problems may be age related. Symptoms include excessive thirst and frequent urination.


    • While tumors can occur at almost any age, it is more important to locate the problem and begin treatments early in an older dog.