Are Citrus Fruits Dangerous to Pets?

Pets are so cute and loving that it's difficult not to treat them like furry little humans. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean they can always safely eat human food. Responsible pet owners must keep in mind that part of loving their animal is caring for them properly. Knowing what your pet can and cannot safely eat is extremely important.

  1. Dogs

    • Lemons, limes and oranges, and even extracts of these citrus fruits, have a laxative effect on dogs and cause diarrhea and vomiting. Grapefruit is also toxic to dogs, causing the same symptoms, as well as depression and possible photo-sensitivity, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).


    • Grapefruit is toxic to cats as well, and causes the same symptoms in them as in dogs, ASPCA adds in its Animal Poison Control Center data on the fruit.

    Guinea Pigs

    • Unlike cats and dogs, citrus fruit should be fed to guinea pigs. They need vitamin C in their diets and their bodies do not naturally produce the nutrient. "About a quarter of an orange per day will do" to address this need, ASPCA notes.

    Bearded Dragons

    • Though they are omnivores and eat fruit, vegetables and insects, bearded dragons should only occasionally be fed any type of citrus fruit, according to Because of its high acid content, the fruits can cause diarrhea or upset the lizard's nutritional balance.

    Pet Birds

    • Pet birds can and should be fed oranges, among other dietary elements. Different breeds have different nutritional needs, so consult your avian veterinarian to learn about amounts and combinations, ASPCA advises.