Dogs mark their territory by urinating on objects as a way to communicate with other dogs. Urine contains pheromones, which can attract or repel other animals. The pheromones reveal sexual availability, gender and even the age of the dog. Marking behavior can become problematic and annoying when dogs choose to mark inappropriate areas such as inside the home or on furniture or clothing. There are some important steps you can take to help eliminate this problem.
Things You'll Need
- Dog kennel
- Steam cleaner
- Carpet shampoo
Make an appointment for your dog with your family veterinarian to first rule out health problems as a cause for the marking behavior. Discuss neutering or spaying your pet to end marking urges to appear sexually superior.
Bond with your dog in a way that will let it know that you are the boss. If your dog feels that it is the leader of the pack, it will continue to mark areas to claim its territory and even the humans nearby. If you show it you are the leader, your dog will not feel the need to protect its territory.
Buy a kennel or dog crate the right size for your pet and keep your dog in it when you are not available to help train it.
Steam clean all the carpet in your home thoroughly with a carpet steamer and carpet shampoo or hire a professional carpet cleaner to do this for you. If urine remains in the carpet, your dog will feel the need to protect its territory and continue to mark that area.
Catch your dog in the act of marking in an inappropriate area. Use this to teach your pet that it's unacceptable behavior by sternly scolding the dog and placing it in the kennel or cage.