Fungus Infection on Dogs

Fungal infections affect many dogs and can irritate the skin or cause organ damage. Canine fungal infections should be taken seriously and treated immediately by a veterinarian.

  1. Types

    • There are various canine fungal infections including aspergillosis (a nasal infection), histoplasmosis (causing respiratory and intestinal problems), ringworm (an infection of the skin and coat) and yeast infections, according to Drs. Foster and Smith's


    • Symptoms vary based on the type of fungal infection, but some symptoms your dog may present include skin bumps or lesions, itching of the affected area, foul odor, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and nasal discharge or discomfort.


    • Fungus may enter the dog̵7;s body through the dirt outside, from contact with other animals, even by inhaling the fungus.


    • Your veterinarian will perform a routine physical examination followed by specific tests such as cultures to determine the type of fungus that is afflicting your dog.


    • Depending on the type of fungal infection, treatment may include topical or oral antifungal medications, injections of antifungal medication or, in some cases, surgery.