Skin irritation for poodles comes from an allergic dermatitis caused by environmental allergens that promote histamine release from the immune system.
Symptoms of Skin Infection
Inflammation and skin infections can cause ear infections, including bacterial and yeast infections, and hair loss.
Allergic Reactions
A poodle that is allergic to something will have skin irritation and itching. The dog will develop mild to severe itching when it is allergic to things like pollen or certain foods. Trees, grass, wool, nylon, rubber, plastic materials, milk products, dust mites and flea bites could also provoke a reaction.
Visual Changes
Poodles with allergies will usually chew on their feet until they are irritated. They may drag their face, sides or belly to alleviate the sensation. Skin lesions are the result of chewing and scratching the skin raw. Hair loss may occur after constant irritation of the area.
Most skin infections start early (1 to 3 years of age) but can also happen later in life.
Most poodle allergies are the inhalant type and as such are seasonal. In this case, a veterinarian may give your dog medication for the few weeks it is suffering. If your poodle is bothered all year, it may be a result of dust mites which. Remove your pet from the areas bothering him and check with your veterinarian to do additional testing.