How to Prep a Dog for a Spay

Spaying is a routine surgery in the veterinary medical world. It reduces health problems and can help with behavioral problems. Spaying also reduces the number of unwanted litters. It can be scary to see your beloved pup going under the knife for any reason, and spaying is no exception, however, there are some basic procedures you can follow to make your pet's surgery go smoothly.


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      Restrict your dog's food and water intake beginning 12 hours prior to surgery. This reduces the risk of vomiting due to preanestheic and anesthetic drugs.

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      Remove your dog's flea collar. Veterinarian-approved flea and tick preventives may be applied prior to or immediately after surgery. Over-the-counter flea and tick medications, including flea collars, can cause life-threatening reactions in conjunction with anesthesia.

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      Inform your veterinarian of any medications your dog is currently taking or has taken within the month prior to the spay surgery.

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      If your dog has recently given birth, make sure the litter has been weaned from the mother for at least 2 weeks prior to surgery. The presence of milk in the mammary glands increases the risk of infection and delayed healing.

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      Bring any copies of your dog's medical records to the clinic on the day of the procedure. They may contain vital information that your veterinarian should know.

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      Discuss your concerns with your veterinarian, and mention any abnormalities in your dog's behavior. These abnormalities can be indicative of a problem or potential problem.