How to Deliver Chihuahua Puppies at Birth

Chihuahuas, like all dogs, are pregnant for around 65 days. There are many signs that may point to pregnancy in your female Chihuahua, including lethargy and excessive personal cleaning. The Chihuahua̵7;s stomach will also become distended and hard rather quickly. Her nipples will also grow quite large at an accelerated rate. This is due to the Chihuahua̵7;s small stature. Helping your dog bring puppies into the world can be a wonderful experience and there are signs to watch for that will let your know the birthing process is about to begin.

Things You'll Need

  • Rectal thermometer
  • Several clean towels


    • 1

      Check your Chihuahua̵7;s rectal temperature. Normally the temperature is anywhere between 100 and 102 degrees. When the temperature drops to 99 degrees, this is a sign that the birthing process is underway.

    • 2

      Give your Chihuahua gentle petting and encouragement during the early process of labor. She may yelp and vomit during this stage as well.

    • 3

      Watch for the amniotic sac to be pushed out. The mother Chihuahua will probably eat this sac. This is a natural occurrence and should not be discouraged.

    • 4

      Birthing the first puppy will now occur. The first puppy will emerge in an amniotic sac that must be broken. If the mother does not break the sac, you must with your hands or a clean cloth.

    • 5

      Place the first puppy at the mother̵7;s nipple to begin feeding. Nursing stimulates the production of oxytocin, a chemical believed to be an essential part of the birthing process.

    • 6

      Watch for the rest of the puppies to be born. This process can occur quickly or there could be a span of up to two hours between each birth. Most Chihuahuas have between one and four puppies, with two being the average size litter.

    • 7

      After the final puppy is born, the placenta will emerge. The mother Chihuahua will probably eat the placenta. Once again, this is a natural occurrence.

    • 8

      Leave the mother to feed her new puppies.