How to Make Dewclaw Protectors

Unless they have been declawed, most dogs possess dewclaws, which are found on the inside of the front leg and sometimes on the hind legs. They are of little use to dogs, and most often do not even make contact with the ground. If you worry that your dog's dewclaws will get caught and be torn off, leading to a painful injury, you can order specially made dog booties or make them at home for a fraction of the cost. Here's what you will need to do.


Things You'll Need

  • Four short socks (child size for small dogs, adult size for larger dogs)
  • Four reusable zip ties


    • 1

      Command your dog to sit and stay. Most dogs do not like to have their paws touched, so be prepared to offer treats as a reward. You may find it easier to work with a partner, who can dispense treats while you work.

    • 2

      Slip on the sock with the heel side down. Wrap a zip tie around the ankle below the dewclaw and above the foot pad on the front feet. Make sure it is snug, but not too tight. If you dog starts limping, it is too tight.

    • 3

      Put socks on the back paws. Since these do not have dewclaws, simply keep your zip tie low on the paw.

    • 4

      Fold the socks down over the zip tie. This will give added protection to the toes.