Medicine for Puppy Acne

In puppies, acne usually occurs between ages five and eight months. While acne is not a serious health concern, dogs and their owners may still benefit from various dog-friendly acne treatments. Dogs who may have acne should be seen by a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment options.

  1. Symptoms

    • Symptoms of puppy acne include red bumps or blackheads, usually seen on the lips or the chin. In rare cases, acne can spread to other areas. Some dogs may also itch or paw at the bumps, causing secondary infections.


    • Prescription steroids are available in cream, gel or ointment form and may be beneficial in treating swelling or inflammation of the affected area.


    • Some dogs may also benefit from antibiotics, such as cephalexin, for severe or chronic cases of puppy acne. Antibiotics are usually administered over the course of six to eight weeks, as prescribed by a veterinarian.


    • The veterinarian may choose to prescribe a pet shampoo that contains 2.5 percent benzoyl peroxide. For best results, these shampoos should be used twice weekly or as recommended by a veterinarian.

    Topical Antibiotics

    • If a secondary infection occurs, topical antibiotics may be prescribed. Topical antibiotics, such as mupirocin, should be applied twice daily to the infected area.