Many dogs are upset by loud noises such as thunder, gunfire or fireworks. They may pace, whine, or cower in your lap or under the bed. In extreme cases, dogs may become hysterical and try to escape their yards or the house. If your dog becomes upset around fireworks, the best remedy may be to shelter him from the sights and sounds so he doesn't become upset. If this isn't possible, you can try several other methods to calm him.
Things You'll Need
- Recording of fireworks
- Treats or toys
- Anti-anxiety vest
- Dog Appeasing Pheromone
- 4 drops Rescue Remedy Pet
- Anti-anxiety medication
Train the dog to associate fireworks with something positive. Play a recording of fireworks and reward the dog with a favorite treat or toy. Start with a few seconds of the noise at a relatively low volume and build up the length of time and volume of the recording. This counter-conditioning can help dogs overcome their fears.
Wrap the dog in a vest made to reduce thunderstorm anxiety. Several brands of vests are available that wrap tightly around the dog's torso. A recent study by Tufts University researchers Nicole Coddam and Nicolas Dodman reported in the June 2009 issue of Applied Animal Behavior Science, found these vests reduced anxiety and nervous behavior in two-thirds of dogs who wore the vests during thunder storms. The noise of fireworks is very similar to that of thunderstorms, so it would be expected that such vests would work for a fireworks phobia as well.
Plug in a dog pheromone. Dog Appeasing Pheromone (DAP) is a device that looks like a plug-in air freshener that releases the same pheromone released by nursing dogs to calm puppies. The pheromone is odorless to humans but has a calming effect on many dogs.
Give the dog Rescue Remedy Pet. This homeopathic remedy, made of flower essences, is effective at relieving anxiety in many dogs. Place four drops of Rescue Remedy Pet directly into the dog's mouth. Or, add four drops to the dog's food, water bowl or on a treat. Rescue Remedy Pet can also be rubbed directly on the animal̵7;s nose, ears or paws. Do this several times a day if needed.
Administer anti-anxiety medication. If your dog is in danger of hurting himself or others with his anxiety over fireworks, consult your veterinarian about administering an anti-anxiety medication before the scheduled fireworks.