Sulfur for Mange in Dogs

For years, sulfur has been used as an effective treatment for sarcoptic mange in both dogs and cats. Because sarcoptic mange is exceptionally contagious, quick diagnosis and treatment is essential.

  1. Definition

    • Sarcoptic mange, also known as canine scabies, is a mite infestation in a dog's skin. This infection is diagnosed by skin scrapings and manifests through excessive itching, hair loss and skin lesions.

    Sulfur Treatments

    • Sulfur-lime dips are a common topical treatment for this type of mange. The Merck Veterinarian Manual states that these dips are safe and effective for use in young pets.


    • Sulfur-lime dips can be labor-intensive and tedious for both the pet owner and dog. The treatment is effective only if the sulfur-lime mix reaches the mites. Since the mites often infect on the face, you must use caution in applying the dip to these sensitive areas.


    • LymDyp is a common sulfur-based dip prescribed by veterinarians for the treatment of sarcoptic mange in dogs, cats and horses. This medication must be diluted in water.

    LymDyp Precautions

    • LymDyp can stain, and due to the sulfur content, it smells like rotten eggs. You need need to take precautions to ensure the dog does not lick its coat or ingest the medication.