How to Cure Dog Fungus

If you notice your dog scratching, licking, or chewing its skin, it may be suffering from a fungal infection. Common fungal infections are blastomycosis, hystoplasmosis, crytococcosis and coccidiomycosis. Some symptoms for fungal infections include flaking, scaling and redness on the skin. These infections are often a result of yeast that seeks moist areas in which to embed like armpits and skin folds. Another form of fungal infection is Ringworm, which manifests in red, circular spots on the skin.

Here̵7;s some easy ways to make sure your furry friend is on the road to recovery.

Things You'll Need

  • Anti-Fungal Shampoo
  • Boric Acid or Chlorhexidine Rinse
  • Iodine
  • Anti-Fungal Cream


  1. How to Treat Fungal Infections in Dogs

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      Treat your dog̵7;s coat with anti-fungal shampoo. You can find it in both pet stores as well as your local supermarket. There is also a stronger shampoo available from your vet.

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      Apply a chlorhexidine or boric acid rinse to soothe inflamed skin. You will need to follow the directions on the product̵7;s label. There are two types of product: one that rinses out and another that remains on your dog̵7;s skin.

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      Soak blistered paws in a solution of warm water mixed with anti-fungal shampoo. You will want to mix in some iodine as well, which will kill the fungus.

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      Treating Ringworm, one of the most common fungal infections, will require the use of anti-fungal cream or ointment. Remember that Ringworm is highly contagious to humans, so you should wash your hands immediately in warm water and use an antibacterial soap.

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      Visit your Vet if after two weeks of using the treatment you do not see improvement. Your dog could be dealing with an internal parasite.