Signs & Symptoms of Asthma in Chihuahuas

Asthma affects both humans and their canine counterparts. Asthma is a lung condition that causes airways to become narrow and inflamed. In cats, asthma is fairly common, but in dogs, it is still relatively rare. Asthma can be triggered by everyday irritants such as secondhand smoke, pollen, air pollution, perfumes and dust. The signs and symptoms of asthma in a chihuahua are similar to the symptoms of asthma in other dog breeds.

  1. Coughing

    • An asthma attack often starts as a cough before escalating to other symptoms. Coughing can be mild or extremely severe or violent.


    • Wheezing, like coughing, can be mild, severe or extremely violent. Wheezing is different from coughing and occurs due to obstruction of the airways. It can produce a coarse sound when breathing. Some dogs may even produce a whistling sound when wheezing.

    Changes in Respiration

    • Wheezing and coughing can lead to more serious issues, such as shortness of breath. Shortness of breath may be displayed as difficulty breathing or gasping for air. For some chihuahuas, this can become severely debilitating and will require immediate veterinary care.

    Turning Blue

    • As the asthma attack progresses, the owner may note that their dog has a blue or purple colored tongue and gums. These dogs may also be breathing with their mouth wide open or may be standing in a strange stance, similar to a cat that is coughing up a hairball. This stance, with their neck elongated to the ground and their front paws spread, actually helps them inhale more oxygen. If any of these symptoms occur, seek veterinary care immediately, as lack of oxygen can also cause brain damage and other more serious medical issues.

    Behavioral Changes

    • Some less commonly noted symptoms may be behavioral changes as noted by the veterinarian. For example, a normally energetic and playful chihuahua may suddenly become lethargic. Lethargy can vary from dog to dog and may be displayed as laziness, drowsiness, a lack of interest in favorite toys or food and an aversion to activity.

    Changes in Appetite

    • In severe cases, the affected dog may no longer show an interest in food. A lack of appetite can also lead to weight loss, which for chihuahuas can become a serious issue due to their already petite size.


    • Once diagnosed by a veterinarian, canine asthma can be controlled. Ideally, the cause of the attack should be identified and removed. For example, if a certain perfume is causing the attacks, the perfume should no longer be used. Other options include prescription medications and antihistamines.