The Safety of Avocados For Canines

You may enjoy eating avocados, and be tempted to share a piece with your dog, Or, if you have a tree in your yard, you might let the dog play with the avocados that fall from to the ground. But you need to consider the safety and health impacts of dogs coming into contact with the fruit.

  1. Avocados

    • Avocados are a fruit with a large pit and a green flesh on the inside. In the United States, avocado trees are native to California, though the first avocados originated in Mexico. They contain healthy fats, are rich in nutrients and can easily be used on sandwiches or in dips.


    • Avocados contain a toxin called persin. This can be toxic in dogs and may cause gastrointestinal upset, such as vomiting and diarrhea. Some dogs can eat avocados without experiencing side effects, however.

    The Pit

    • The pit on the inside can pose a choking hazard because it is quite large. If your dog swallows the pit, surgery might be necessary to remove it from the stomach.

    Weight Gain

    • While avocados are considered a healthy fat for humans, they can cause dogs to gain weight. If they eat enough of them, they can become obese.

    Bottom Line

    • Dr. Charlie Steiner, of the Avocado Animal Hospital, and Dr. John Abella, of the Aloha Animal Hospital, both in California, feel that pits are the most dangerous part of avocados for dogs. Steiner has yet to run into problems with persin, and Abella feels that avocados "end up being more of a foreign body issue than a toxin issue." He does acknowledge that there is a known toxicity issue with persin, and says that the toxic dose is unknown. While avocados may be delicious and healthy for humans, it is probably best to keep them out of reach for your dogs.