Grapefruit Seed Extract for Dogs

Grapefruit seed extract is a homeopathic remedy for a variety of dog health problems, both internal and external. Grapefruit seed extract is often called "nature's antiseptic." It is credited for curing skin irritations, fungal infections, viruses and parasite infestations. There is no scientific evidence that grapefruit seed extract is an effective treatment, and clinical tests indicate that grapefruit seeds have little or no antimicrobial properties of their own. In many commercial products, the additives and preservatives are actually the ingredients that provide the antibacterial properties.

  1. Types

    • Grapefruit seed extract is derived from the seeds, pulp and white membranes of grapefruit. It is also referred to as grapefruit extract or citrus seed extract. Grapefruit seed extract, sometimes called GSE, is available in powder, tablet or liquid form. Powder and tablets can be added to dog food. The liquid form can be diluted for environmental use, like cleaning bedding, or for treatment of external skin conditions. Because citrus seed is a holistic remedy, it is not regulated like a medication. Products from different manufacturers are of varying strengths. Read the label carefully for dosage recommendations.

    External Benefits

    • Liquid grapefruit seed extract is praised by homeopathic health practitioners as a remedy for external dog issues, like skin fungi, bacterial diseases or parasites. It may be helpful in the treatment of hot spots, burns, flaking skin, rashes or ear infections. An application to the fur may repel ticks and fleas. When used as an external application, grapefruit seed extract should be diluted with water and then sprayed on the affected area. Avoid eyes or mucous membranes when applying. Grapefruit seed extract has been credited with curing bad breath and gingivitis in dogs. Liquid grapefruit seed extract can be added to topical products, like shampoo, coat conditioner or deodorizer. Grapefruit seed extract can be used for cleaning dog bedding, kennels and other surfaces. Most liquid products should be diluted before use. Test a small patch of textiles before using grapefruit seed extract to make certain the color is not harmed.

    Internal Benefits

    • Grapefruit seed extract is a popular natural treatment for gastrointestinal disorders in dogs. There are claims that it resolves bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic issues. Some reports suggest that grapefruit seed extract is useful in treating upper respiratory infections, like kennel cough. It can be administered to treat a specific health concern, or it can be used as a daily supplement, especially when added to drinking water, to establish an ongoing level of protection. Grapefruit seed extract is often used as a component in a raw food diet, to disinfect raw poultry, fish and other ingredients.


    • Grapefruit seed extract is relatively new in holistic health literature. There is little scientific or clinical trial data on its efficacy. There is also no indication that careful use of commercial grapefruit seed extract products is harmful for dogs.


    • The ASPCA suggests that grapefruit seed extract is not harmful if the product if specifically formulated for dogs, and if used following the manufacturer's label instructions. Undiluted, some products can burn a dog's mouth, tongue or eyes. If your dog has a medical condition, either internal or external, seek the professional advice of a veterinarian. Although there are claims that grapefruit seed extract is an effective treatment for serious diseases like distemper, heartworm and mange, there is little to no scientific evidence validating them. Do not confuse grapefruit seed extract with grapeseed extract, which is a very different product. Grapeseed, like grapes, is highly toxic to dogs.